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10 Essential Tips For Planning A Bathroom Renovation

October 16, 2023 Admin
Renovating can be a little daunting, especially if you don’t know where to begin or have any idea what you are in for. That’s why taking the time to do a little research can mean the difference between an overly stressful versus most enjoyable experience. To give you a helping hand, we have put together this handy guide to planning a bathroom renovation with some helpful tips to keep in mind.

5 Steps To Renovating Your Bathroom

Before we jump right in, it is helpful to note the major elements of a bathroom renovation. Generally speaking, there are 5 main steps to consider, these are:
  • Planning and Budgeting – researching costs, time frames and what you hope to achieve
  • Hiring Professionals – finding the right contractors to get the job done right
  • Designing your Layout – think about improvements, needs and wants and research ideas
  • Removing the Old Bathroom – gutting the room in preparation for the new install
  • Installing the New Bathroom – Making necessary adjustments to plumbing and electrical, waterproofing, installation of flooring and wall coverings, fittings and finishing.

How Long Should A Bathroom Renovation Take?

The timeframe for your bathroom reno will depend on a number of factors such as the scope of the project, contractor and product availability, things like your choice of flooring (tiles take longer than vinyl, for example) and general labour timeframes. As a general guide, a standard sized bathroom should take 2 to 3 weeks on average from start to finish (if everything goes as planned!). Always check in with your preferred contractor before hiring them about their availability and approximate start and finish times to get a more specific idea of timeframes.

How Much Does A Bathroom Renovation Cost?

Let’s face it, price is always a factor in any reno. The question on most people’s minds when thinking about renovating their bathroom is - how much is it going to cost? While it’s hard to estimate this exactly, as it will depend on various factors such as room size, features, and fixtures and fittings, generally speaking, you will be looking at between $10,000 and $20,000 for a small standard bathroom with very little change to the current placing of the fixtures. And around $35,000 to $50,000 for something a little more comprehensive.

10 Tips For Renovating Your Bathroom

So now you’ve got a general overview of the steps involved and the time it takes, let’s dive right into the top 10 tips for planning your bathroom renovation.
  1. Set Your Budget (And Stick To It!). We all know building project budget overruns are a strong possibility (...certainty?), perhaps even more so when renovating due to elements of the unknown. Setting your budget will give you a clear idea of what you are working with. But it also has the added bonus of aiding in decision making. A lot of those ever important decisions such as which type of flooring you will choose, bath and toilet options and even the types of tap fittings, may well all come down to which product fits within the budget. Setting your budget will help keep these items in check and prevent you from getting carried away before you’ve even started.
  2. Don’t Go Tile Crazy. Tiles are great, and they have their place, but it isn’t necessary to tile a bathroom from floor to ceiling (unless this is the look you are going for). As long as waterproofing is kept in mind, your bathroom can feature a variety of different kinds of wall and floor linings – in fact, being a little adventurous and thinking outside the box could even save you some money and time as tiling can be an expensive and time-consuming task.
  3. Hire The Right Contractors. Renovating your bathroom is a complex process, complete with an assortment of tradies such as electricians, plumbers, builders, flooring installers, tilers and more. All of these contractors then need to be managed as they rely on each other to have completed various tasks before they can then complete theirs. Having the right people on the job can make all the difference to the time it takes, the level of professionalism and most importantly – the quality of the finish. This doesn’t mean you can’t do the odd bit of DIY, especially in the deconstruction of your old bathroom J
  4. Think Ventilation First. Bathrooms are naturally damp. If left in a continuously damp state, they will provide the perfect conditions for mould and mildew growth along with a variety of other types of unwelcome and unhealthy issues. This is what makes ventilation one of the most important elements in bathroom design, important yet often overlooked. Ventilation extractor fans are the most common bathroom ventilation systems in New Zealand or alternatively, mechanical ventilation systems. However, these are not all created equal, so do shop around for the best you can afford within your budget – it will be money well spent! If in doubt, check out more information on Healthy Homes Regulations here.
  5. Float It. While this post isn’t about giving you design tips (everyone should choose what they like!), perhaps the simplest and most basic design tip derived from many years of experience in renovating bathrooms is to try to incorporate a wall-hung vanity and even wall-hung or hidden cistern toilets. The ‘floating’ minimalistic design of these fittings has the ability to very seamlessly make the room seem larger and less cluttered with the added bonus of making it easier to clean!
  6. Leave Existing Plumbing As Is. For the more budget conscious out there - one of the best pieces of advice when remodelling the bathroom is to aim to keep the majority of the fixtures in the same place (or thereabouts). This basically means leaving toilet plumbing, vanity plumbing and shower or bath plumbing where it is and just working within those constraints (or very close to). The reason for this is that plumbing is one of the biggest expenses (and hassles) when renovating a bathroom, so if you can avoid making any big changes to the existing plumbing you will also avoid the cost! Plus, if you’re adding additional fixtures you may need to get consent – more on this below.
  7. Keep It Practical. As we get caught up in the renovation planning process, it can be tempting to get a little carried away with appearances only. Don’t forget this bathroom is there to be used on the daily – think about things that would make it more practical to use, keep clean and function well. For example, the size and placement of vanities in relation to the rest of the room, shower size and door functionality (which way it opens etc.) and placement of towel rails (or just leaving room for the placement of towel rails). Thinking about who uses and how you would use the space will make this easier to visualise or there are plenty of helpful links online.
  8. Get Consent. In most cases, you won’t need council consent to renovate your bathroom in New Zealand. However, Council approval may be required if you plan to add additional bathroom fixtures and fittings and/or are making alterations to the building’s structure. If you are adding an extra toilet, putting in a tiled wet area shower or removing an internal wall are examples where consent is needed. Always check with your contractors or local Council if in doubt about whether consent is required for your bathroom.
  9. Don’t Forget About Lighting. Lighting has the ability to make or break your final bathroom experience. When considering your bathroom lighting take into account task lighting for doing your makeup etc., ambient lighting for setting the mood and accent lighting which draws your attention to certain features. Even the best design can benefit from careful lighting choices. Always aim for energy efficient options and keep to the warmer shades as too much cooler lighting can make the space feel cold and clinical.
  10. Add A Little Luxury. Sick of cold feet in the morning, or would you love a warm towel when you get out of the shower? Renovating is the perfect time to add a little luxury to your bathroom, and why not? You deserve it! Even if you think these things aren’t in your budget it can be a good idea to get it priced up to make an informed decision before starting your renovation, you may be surprised and adding little touches of luxury makes the whole project seem more rewarding.
Ready to renovate! Contact AA Bathrooms for quality bathroom renovation in Christchurch, Canterbury, specialists in renovating and upgrading bathrooms and showers. Careful planning and preparation plus the right professionals will ensure your bathroom renovation project will be a great success!